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What to Expect

We know it can be a little unnerving to step into a new thing, especially when you’re not exactly sure about the details that matter to you. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the church to give you a picture of what Linn Valley Community Church (LVCC) looks like week to week. View the latest streamed service on the Website Under the LIVE! Tab or follow this link:  Live Stream Archive

Below are a few questions that individuals might have about LVCC. If we have not covered one of your questions, then be sure to contact the church office with your questions at 913-295-4897 or


At LVCC we try to keep it pretty simple and casual.  We are all about a joyful, loving atmosphere! We worship the Lord through Music, Scripture, Prayer and Preaching of His Word!  We also gather after church every Sunday for refreshments and fellowship!  On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we have a Church Potluck.  

Our Music Style
During the 10AM Sunday gathering, our LVCC Worship Team leads a balance of contemporary praise and worship along with traditional hymns.  We are extremely blessed to have a beautiful organ and full-time organist, as well as other instrumentalists that help us praise Jesus.  No matter what kind of voices we have, we encourage all to sing with our whole hearts!

Every week, we fill the pulpit with Bible-believing preaching that aligns with our Statement of Faith and beliefs.  Please bring your Bible!  If you forget to grab your Bible, we have them throughout the sanctuary - typically under the seat in front of you.  It's so important to open God's Word together!

One of the greatest privileges we have as followers of Jesus is being able to pray with boldness and confidence. We’ll pray together throughout our time and if you would like to have someone pray for you more individually, any of our deacons, parishioners, or our guest Preacher would be honored to pray with you after the worship gathering'.

Communion is something that Jesus began the night before he died as a way for his followers to remember and participate in his death on the cross. At LVCC, we celebrate communion together every month right before the message. LVCC welcomes all Christians who actively trust Jesus for salvation, who are willing to turn away from their sin to receive communion with us. Each month our deacons and greeters give us the symbolic sacramental elements -a small bit of bread and grape juice- as a way of participating in and identifying with the body and blood of Jesus.  We don't take or receive grace of our own accord, it is a gift that was given to us.  

If you are our guest, please do not feel obligated to give anything financially – We hope that everyone would feel free to prayerfully give as God leads, in one of the offering containers at the back of the sanctuary prior to or after service, during the taking up of collection, or even here online, under "Giving" in the "Ministries" pulldown menu.  Or you may use this link to use Online Giving.  Please note there is a fee for Online Giving and you can choose to have it added to your amount or if not, it will be deducted from you total once we receive it.  

Spending time with each other is a very important part of our culture.  You’ll find people are friendly and warm.  At the conclusion of each Sunday Service, we enjoy a time of refreshments and visiting.   On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we have a church potluck luncheon. 


What you’ll encounter when you attend LVCC is a diverse Biblical community where people seek to know and love God, live in community with others, and transform the world by serving as we think Jesus would. Practically speaking, that means the some of us are just checking out Christianity for the first time, while others have been in church their whole lives. LVCC members span all different ethnicities, ages and backgrounds. One of the most unique things about us is that we are home to Christians stemming from quite a variety of denominations and life experiences.  Here, everyone is welcome!


LVCC is a family-friendly environment. We believe that children are a blessing from God and are a vital part of every local church. At the present time, we do not offer a separate “children’s church” during our regular Sunday gathering.  We know that having kids in worship with us brings some extra “kid noise” with it – and we honestly like it that way! We have activity bags younger kids can grab to help keep them occupied.  We love having families with kids of all ages worshiping together.  That said, we do have a nursery available for children Birth through Pre-school staffed by church members dedicated to keeping children safe and to communicating with parents. 


One thing LVCC wants to be known for is to be a comfortable place for those who are curious about God, whether those persons have ever felt comfortable in church or not. We want LVCC to be a place where you can learn, apply, and wrestle or embrace who God is and what He wants for you. It’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out yet!  Only He truly does anyway.


At LVCC, you’re welcome to wear completely casual or dress up!  Some wear ties, others wear tattoos, and we love our mixed bag of people. There is no set dress code, although the attire is generally more on the casual side. Just be you, of course.  Come as you are!  


Absolutely, please do! We strive to be a welcoming environment for people who are curious about God, Christianity, and/or bonding with a community of believers.